CBS aired two different answers to the same question in its “60 Minutes” interview with Vice President Kamala Harris, replacing a clip from the Democratic nominee that aired on “Face the Nation” Sunday when the interview package aired in a primetime special on Monday.Â
Harris was mocked by conservatives when footage of her offering a lengthy “word salad” that was aired by CBS on Sunday’s “Face the Nation” to promote the “60 Minutes” sit-down, when Bill Whitaker asked why it seemed like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wasn’t listening to the United States. However, the vice president’s lengthy answer didn’t make the version that aired on Monday night on “60 Minutes” and a shorter, more focused answer to the same question was shown instead.Â
“Well Bill, the work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by, or a result of, many things, including our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region,” Harris responded in the “Face the Nation” version.Â
Sometimes interviews are edited to save time, but when CBS aired the interview on Monday night, Harris had a different answer to the exact same question.
“We are not going to stop pursuing what is necessary for the United States to be clear about where we stand on the need for this war to end,” Harris said.Â
It is unclear why CBS aired two different answers to the same question. However, CBS has posted both clips on YouTube. CBS News did not immediately respond to a request for comment.Â
The Trump campaign called for CBS to release the full interview unedited on Tuesday.Â
“On Sunday, 60 Minutes teased Kamala’s highly-anticipated sit-down interview with one of her worst word salads to date, which received significant criticism on social media. During the full interview on Monday evening, the word salad was deceptively edited to lessen Kamala’s idiotic response,” Trump campaign national press secretary Karoline Leavitt said. “Why did 60 Minutes choose not to air Kamala’s full word salad, and what else did they choose not to air? The American people deserve the full, unedited transcript from Kamala’s sit-down interview. We call upon 60 Minutes and CBS to release it. What do they, and Kamala, have to hide?”
Fox News Digital’s Lindsay Kornick contributed to this report.Â